Freezing nights on a man-made island floating at 12,500 feet elevation, gorgeous sunrises over Lake Titicaca, rainbow colored mountains, mototaxis and pedal-powered tricycle taxis in Puno, and some awesome pre-Incan ruins at Sillustani. We reached our highest altitude to date at the Palccoyo Rainbow Mountains on the northwestern side of the Altiplano.
The Altiplano of Peru, Bolivia and Chile is the most extensive high plateau on earth outside of Tibet and is only slightly lower, with an average elevation is 12,300 feet. On the border of Peru and Bolivia is Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America, and at 12,507 feet in elevation, the highest navigable lake in the world. On Lake Titicaca are the Floating Islands of Uros, man-made islands inhabited since pre-Incan times.
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